IT asset management functions entail many necessary activities that are essential to the overall success of a business. Their primary purpose is to support the acquisition, servicing and disposal of hardware. However, they do not design structure or systems. IT asset management functions are more like construction workers than they are architects, in the sense that they put necessary pieces in place to ensure the stability of the IT structure.
IT asset management plays a major role in updating hardware, but they also play a role in the disposal of old hardware. For instance, if a hardware update is put into motion, IT management assumes the lead in what to do with the old hardware. Sometimes, this can be difficult for a number of reasons. For instance, there are legal regulations that must be observed in disposing these products. Furthermore, technology today is constantly evolving. It is not uncommon for hardware that is less than a year old to be rendered outdated because of new products on the market. In instances like this, businesses often lose a significant amount of money.
Luckily, there are companies like us, here at Keystone Technology Management, to alleviate the financial and regulatory burdens that often accompany a major hardware overhaul. Here’s what to do if your company wants to sell its used IT equipment.
1. Consider what it is you have to sell. Items like networking equipment, servers, desktops, laptops, printers and memory systems are always in demand on the used hardware market.
2. Evaluate the equipment based on its age, model and condition. Depending on the condition and the brand, you could sell it for a good amount of money. Items in excellent working condition that are made by big name companies like Dell, Cisco, Apple and HP are especially valuable.
3. Reach out to someone, like the great people here at Keystone Technology Management; we are always looking to acquire used IT equipment.
Give us a call if your company is planning, or has already concluded, a venture to update its IT equipment. We’re also happy to help with any data destruction services your PA company may need.